Monday, August 11, 2008

An Awesome Week?? Maybe??


Seriously, last week is a very hectic week for me!! Ill start with my dinner!!!
Anime, stand for A Night Of Memory... Makan die best but its quite bored on that night.. fuhh...
This is my picture wif my partner, we just wearing a simple dressed with theme colour black n white..

Ok, next ill continue with my dance practice, since i join a club of astena, its make move a lot!! hahah, for two week we practice for dinner rowing show which is include 'dia datang','ayam didik','wau bulan' and also 'rasa sayang'.... That was my first perfomance, nasib baik x kelam kelibut.. Huhuhu.. about the picture of dat nite nanti lah update...

Owh yer, ade lagi.... tapi nanti lah sambung, we continue later.. daaaa...

Instinct Of Poetic,


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